British American Tobacco

How to make mission impossible, possible.



Services Social Media Management Social Media Strategy Channels

Social Media Channels

The challenge

The brief? To grow the brand communities totally in-house, without being able to communicate the product directly and facing major restrictions.

It seemed an impossible mission, which is precisely why it caught our attention.

We found ourselves in a complex and structured reality, many constraints of action, ambitious KPIs and the need for a strategic line that would also guide the integration of off-line activities and projects. The solution required a technical approach and a lot of lateral thought.

The solution

We identified the role & purpose of every profile, “digitised” the tone of voice and outlined the major trends of the social world in a well thought-out and optimised editorial calendar.

We devised a solid strategy, based on the principles of active engagement and affinity, specifically to address the seemingly opposing needs of expanding our communities while keeping them engaged and active.