Scalo Milano

Milano, I love you!


Scalo Milano Outlet & more

Services Community Management Social Media Management Social Media Strategy Channels

social media channels, website, DEM

The challenge

Reshaping social communication by making it fresher, more up-to-date and, above all, capable of conveying not only a geographical but also an “emotional” proximity to the great city of Milan.

An ongoing activity aimed at transforming Scalo Milano into a point of reference for the Milanese catchment area, coveted, courted and contended by every operator in the sector, transforming every commercial goal into a real battle.

The solution

To convey the authentic closeness and deep relationship that exists between Scalo Milano and the city.

A project that begins in the digital world, with a solid social strategy, understood as organic and paid activity, and progresses to the production of significant original content, and a test&learn approach, aimed at constant optimisation of results, but which also contaminates the off-line sector.


A gem? With the same investment, the Facebook community grew 150% faster with engagement growing by 208%.